#ROW80 – What’s the plan?

I’ve lost my focus.  My direction. And worse?  The routine’s been flipped.  (Maybe I shouldn’t be writing this while I sing along to music.  One second. Turning it off!)

What I’m trying to say is that I continue to struggle with balance and finding my family’s rhythm amid the life changes we keep having.  My husband continues to do well at this job. My kids did well with school. Best I can say is that we made everything we were supposed to and kept commitments. (Let’s leave it at that and not list everything I had let slip through my fingers during that time.  It makes me feel panic ick and stress ugh.)

But it is time for a new plan and I keep getting overwhelmed at the thought of putting something together.  And really, that’s what I need to do or things won’t change or get better.

2019 Goal

#1- Sell A Short Story
I want to say “Not for lack of trying,” but I have been a little bad.  It seems I am owed some replies. Three replies. Two of them are trackable (and last check are marked received).  The third one is a complicated situation of changed guidelines, so I am assuming rejection but no word on it. But I do need to clear this up…


#1 Finish my Idea Sheets [DONE 4/2]   

#2 Write MAGIC [DONE 4/19]

#3 Edit MAGIC [DONE 5/21]
I finished edits and sent it off!  But have yet to figure out what I want to do… So I spent writing time cleaning out my email.


#1 Finish SUNSTONE volumes 1 – 5
All I have to do is read volume 4 and 5 and I can return them.  I really want to do this ASAP. I meant to do it more ASAP, but now… Yeah.  


#1 Blog Weekly
I missed, what 2 or 3?  I thought about it, but one week I was just so tired and last week I was starting to get sick (this cold sucks).

Notable Life Accomplishments This Week

I survived another school year!  My kids are on vacation. Facebook friends know this means there will be many pictures of use sweaty on the trails that run next to Lake Erie (as I make my minis run along side me).  But the start of summer meant a special meal (breakfast for dinner) and first day of vacation Baskin Robbins run (it was breakfast because I had work that day).

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