Chunky Peanut Butter


ROW80 11/13 Check-In

In case anyone missed it, I thought I was being smart a week ago from today.  I “sat” (more like achieved weird poses and refused to stop moving) on an exercise ball while playing OKAMI.  This led to my back being pulled (again).  I’m smooth like chunky peanut butter.

Friday night, our basement drain backed up.  We thought, “maybe it will only do it this one time.”  Saturday morning, the drain did it again and we knew we had issues.  Before getting away from the smell and getting Chinese food, we set up our first ever plumber/Mr. Rooter visit.  Sunday, the roots got power blasted out of the line and we had a working sewer line again.

On the holiday front, my son’s big present shipment came in on Saturday (he was at grandpa’s thankfully).  After Chinese food, we went and got super secret Santa paper and I started wrapping that very day.  Monday, I didn’t get much video game playing in due to shopping for my husband.  All but stocking stuffers have been acquired for him.  We took care of the kids’ stuffers yesterday.

And that takes me to “winter weather” (it is actually still fall, but..).  While we had snow/rain/hail mix in October, Tuesday marked our first real snow of the year, which usually waits for Thanksgiving, but obviously didn’t this year.

Roots + Sewer = EVIL!

The Past Week In Goals
Without a doubt, playing a video game, OKAMI, every day is a total vacation.  However, I’m sad to report I didn’t finish it in that time.  I can’t say for sure, but I’m pretty certain I didn’t even make it to where I had left off years ago.

On Thursday, the first day of back pain, I decided it would be best to put the 30 day challenge on hold without it counting against me (as it wasn’t laziness or forgetting, but rather I’d hurt myself worse if I tried to do it).

And despite it being a vacation, I couldn’t help but poke at a couple of things.  I met my reading goal.  I also rewrote character profiles for GRANDMA and started a new outline to match the changes I plan to make.

Photo By Bachstelze

In OKAMI, you are a statue of a famous white wolf that is awaken and revealed to be a goddess.

This Coming Week In Goals
I’m hoping to resume the 30 day challenge at some point this week.  Really, it depends on my back.  I’ll resume visits, study lunches, and exercising (increasing the calories while I’m at it) today.

I’ll start the edits on GRANDMA and writing TJ (I don’t expect to finish these this round).  I’ll also be doing my first “Workaholic Monday” (a day of nothing but writing) this Monday.

And all that said, I must announce a goal change.  I started the round wanting to increase my writing session word counts to 2,000 each.  Fact is, I cannot steadily pull off the 1,750 I’m supposed to be at now.  So, I adjusted my goal to stay/aim for 1,750 each session.

What was your last chunky peanut butter moment?
If you had to run away from a sewer/sewage smell, where would you go?
How was your week?

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10 thoughts on “Chunky Peanut Butter

  1. In order:
    The most recent chunky peanut butter moment was probably getting out of bed yesterday–split a toenail on the foot of the bed
    Tree roots are the bane of sewer pipes… That said… I’d leave the Breugger’s and head over to The Placid Baker
    It has seriously improved since Monday

    A day of Nothing But Writing? Oh, my! I’ll be curious to hear how that goes. I don’t think I could pull it off.

    • Ouch! I do hope your toe heals fast. I’m jealous you have a bakery near by, All we have are one inside grocery stores. Glad your week is on the upswing.

      Well, not the entire day, but 8:15 am – 2:30 pm. That’s the core of my day (kid 1 comes home at that point). Usually I juggle life stuff (like cleaning and exercising) along side writing or hit my word goal and quit in order to play. I will probably talk about it next update.

      • Oh, I wish the bakery was ‘near’ us. I go there on Tuesdays when my husband and I share the ride to his office. Otherwise it’s about 45 minutes a way. But it does make amazing organic baked goods.

        Ah! So basically doing a true “9-5 type thing for writing. I’ve tried that before.. I do NOT have the discipline for it… I wish you the best.

  2. I’m sorry to hear about your back & fully support your decision to put things on hold that would lead to further injury. Good job taking care of yourself!

    Am curious: do you have a template for doing a character profile, or does different stuff come out each time, depending on the character?

  3. Yikes! So sorry about your back being pulled. I hate strained muscles injuries. HATE! Hopefully it gets better soon. Too bad you can’t psychically link to your computer and just send your thoughts to be transcribed. I guess you could do that with voice, but it seems way less cool.

    • I’ve wanted thought to type for ages. Because sometime I need to stop and think about what’s next and I get stuck in think mode instead of transferring to type mode. And I’ve tried voice typing… The results are horrifying.

      • It’s weird how what comes out of your mouth (at least for me) isn’t as succinct as what your fingers bring. I voice typed a blog post once. It wasn’t terrible, but needed a whole lot more editing than my fingers would.

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